Federation packages installation

Certificates used in the installation

In the installation on our testbed, we created self-signed CA, which we used to create these certificates for 

  • ca-server
  • contrail-federation-api
  • contrail-federation-web
  • wildcard certificate for contrail-idp

Example: hostname egi-cloud5.zam.kfa-juelich.de

  • contrail-ca-server CN: ca-server.egi-cloud5.zam.kfa-juelich.de
  • contrail-federation-api CN: contrail-federation-api.egi-cloud5.zam.kfa-juelich.de
  • contrail-federation-web CN: contrail-federation-web.egi-cloud5.zam.kfa-juelich.de
  • wildcard certificate for contrail-idp CN: *.contrail-idp.egi-cloud5.zam.kfa-juelich.de

Should installation be seen from outside, you should add additional entries into DNS server - if  egi-cloud5.zam.kfa-juelich.de  is a server running federation services, you need also an entry in DNS zones file for subdomains:

egi-cloud5.zam.kfa-juelich.de IN A
*.egi-cloud5.zam.kfa-juelich.de IN A

Hostnames used in the installation:

  • ca-server.domain - Contrail CA
  • contrail-federation-api.domain - Contrail Federation API
  • contrail-federation-web.domain - Contrail Federation Web
  • *.contrail-idp.domain - Contrail IdP (SimpleSAMLphp)
    • google.contrail-idp.domain - Contrail IdP (google auth)
    • federation.contrail-idp.domain - Contrail IdP (SAML2 auth - federation auth source)

In integration tests we used domain = contrail.eu (added in  /etc/hosts  on the servers and clients).

Create new CA (self signed):
# openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyform PEM -keyout ca.key -x509 -days 3650 -outform PEM -out ca.cer

Generate new host certificate (e.g. for contrail-federation-web) with serial number 1:
# openssl genrsa -out contrail-federation-web.key 2048
# openssl req -new -key contrail-federation-web.key -out contrail-federation-web.req
# openssl x509 -req -in contrail-federation-web.req -CA ca.cer -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 1 -days 3650 -outform PEM -out contrail-federation-web.cert

We did the same for other servers: ca-server, contrail-federation-api and contrail-idp (this one should be wildcard certificate for *.contrail-idp.domain); see that serial numbers are unique.

Contrail CA Installation


# apt-get install contrail-ca-server
# apt-get install contrail-security-commons

Follow the installation procedure described in the Installation Guide, release 1.1., section 2.1.6 - Federation Certification Authority - Root CA and CA Server. In step 2 of the installation guide, use the certificate of the ca-server from step 1 of this guide.

If there is a /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/ca/WEB-INF/lib/bcprov-jdk15-1.45.jar, delete this file and restart tomcat.

Contrail Federation API Installation


# apt-get install contrail-federation-api

Set up 

  • /etc/tomcat6/server.xml (see resources)
  • /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/federation-api/WEB-INF/web.xml (see resources)

Contrail Federation Web Installation

# apt-get install python-zookeeper python-chardet apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi python-dev contrail-federation-web-1204

# chown contrail:contrail /var/lib/contrail -R
# chown contrail:contrail /usr/lib/contrail -R
# chown contrail:contrail /etc/contrail/federation -R


Set up 

  • /etc/contrail/contrail-federation-web/federation-web.conf
    • ONLINE_CA_USE=True
    • ONLINE_CA_URI= <URI to CA Server>
  • /usr/lib/contrail/federation-web/extra/remote_metadata.xml (see resources, you will need to change metadata according to changes on contrail-idp)

Contrail IdP Installation

# apt-get install contrail-federation-id-prov-support

Set servername and alias. Here, you need a wildcard certificate (for SSL support).

sed -i 's/ServerName/## ServerName/' /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/simplesaml
sed -i '/## ServerName/ i\
ServerName contrail-idp.contrail.eu \
ServerAlias federation.contrail-idp.contrail.eu \
ServerAlias google.contrail-idp.contrail.eu \

Change the content of the CAuth.php:
# Will be configurable...
sed -i "s|$STR1|$STR2|" /usr/share/simplesamlphp-1.9.0/modules/contrailmodule/lib/Auth/Source/CAuth.php

Contrail Authentication Workflow

This is only to illustrate, how the installed components interact between each other to authenticate with the Contrail.


Detailed description:


User wishes to *authenticate()* to the portal.


User chooses the authentication source (google or shibb). Step


User is redirected to external idp by simlplesamlphp.

After user enters her credentials, external idp returns attributes.
Step *authenticate()*.

mapAttributes(), lookup()

Attributes are mapped and looked-up with federation database.

Federation API and afterwards federation-idp returns userId.

Simplesamlphp appends Contrail's userId to attributes returned by
external idp and returns those as SAML assertion to the portal.

Steps *mapAttributes()* and *lookup()*.


Portal asks federation-idp to return details about user with returned
userId (authentication(), "user" is returned).

Step *authentication()*.


"Login" is done internally by federation-web (with returned "user"


CSR for delegated user's cert is created internally and
*getDelegatedCert()* is called on CA Server. 

CA server checks  with the federation-idp if the user really exists and
returns the delegated certificate back to the portal. *userExists()*


User starts using federation-api with Contrail's specific calls
(usage of the federation core which is out-of-scope of this diagram).
